We’ve all heard the horror stories of seriously disabled people being denied social security benefits. So, why do so many people need to hire a lawyer to fight the government?
Gaining approval for Social Security benefits can be a long and arduous process, one that an attorney is trained to help you get through with the least amount of frustration.
Lawyers can help you work through all of the government red tape. There is no up-front fee; we will sit down and talk with you and get the facts of the case, which doctors are treating you and what your medical history looks like.
Also, when you hire a private lawyer, we are paid on a fee basis. There is a cap on the fees, and all fess must be approved by the Social Security Administration.
What happens if you have applied for Social Security benefits and you have been denied after you have a hearing?
There is a right to further level appeal. An appellate counsel can file a new claim starting from scratch, and doing it all over again. But there are certain deadlines on these appeals. You only have 60 days to file a new claim appealing your initial denial.
So, if you sign up and are denied, whatever attorney you use for the appeal should be notified as soon as possible, because the 60 days begin immediately.
Failure to file your next level appeal within the 60 days means you waive all rights to receive your benefits.
When is the best time to apply for Social Security benefits? The standard to be eligible is you have to be disabled for 12-months continuously, or expect to be disabled 12-months continuously.
Apply as soon as you are eligible because it can be a long process.