Flea Control Product Liability – Macon Products Liability Lawyer
Peggy calls in about the injury and damages her and her dogs have suffered from using a flea control product. She claims that she followed the instructions on the label. Rather than spray her dogs with the product over the carpet, she placed her dogs in the bathtub to give them the flea treatment.
After using the product, her dogs developed blisters all over. Not only did the product injure her dogs, her bathtub was bleached and now has numerous pits in the finish of the interior.
Peggy called the Consumer Response line and followed their instructions, but has not received any further response from them.
Attorney BJ Survant admits that while pet owners value their pets immensely, the law views pets as property. The dog’s “value” would be according to the breed, age, health condition, etcetera of the animal.
He advises that the damages would include the damage to the bathtub and to the “market value” of her dogs. He is not sure the court recognized value of the damages would be significant enough for her to pursue the case through an attorney.
He recommends that she continue to try work with the Consumer Response department, yet if that remains unproductive, her only recourse would be to contact the manufacture to assert a claim with the manufacturer.
The Hostess then asks about warning labels. She wanted to know if there was any type of liability if the label fails to adequately warn people of the dangers of using a product.
Macon Personal Injury Lawyer BJ Survant tells her that the first step is to create a product with no dangers. There are social behavioral studies that are used to determine if a product is dangerous. If it is considered to have potential danger the product must then have some sort of ‘guard’ added to the product. He uses the example of an open saw blade needs a guard. If the guard can not be added, and there is still a danger, the label must carry the warning for consumers.
To determine if you have a product liability case, you must contact an experienced attorney and provide them with all the details of your case.